New Publication Form

New Publication Form

New Publication Form

If you have a new publication you would like to feature on our website, please fill out this information. We look forward to your submissions!

  • Example: " [First Author] and others from the Analog Mixed Signal Lab have developed [name of circuit]. This work features a [ Insert Bragging Point/ FOM ] For a summary of the work click here! "
  • Detailed Information:

    This section is meant to gather detailed information about the work being featured in order to provide interested parties more information. Keep in mind that this could provide great exposure and could represent a potential avenue for companies to reach out to you and express interest in your research. We kindly ask you to revise your grammar and spelling.
  • Provide an introduction which sets the context and motivates your work. After reading this the viewer should have a clear idea of what your publication is about and why it is important. Keep this entry to less than 2 paragraphs.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
    Upload a figure that is 900 pixels wide and 600 pixels tall. The figure should clearly illustrate your work.
  • Provide a brief description of the results and outcomes of your publication. This should let the viewer know the details surrounding the performance of your work.
  • Provide a link to a website where the viewers can access the full publication.
  • Provide a citation that others may use to cite your work (IEEE format)